Michael Hillegas Chapter NSDAR

A shout out to...

NCOE Student Council
During the month of October, these students collected 1500 dollars in food value and donated it to the Michael Hillegas Chapter, NSDAR. This food was taken to the Marion VA for veterans in need. The veterans will receive these food baskets in time for Thanksgiving. Our chapter appreciates NCOE, students, parents, and friends who supported them.

Chapter Donates Over 200 Books

What We Do

The Michael Hillegas Chapter, NSDAR, Donates Over 200 Books to the Harrisburg District Library
Education has always been important to DAR members and is one of the founding missions of the National Society. Literacy and encouraging reading in families as well as adults has been one of the focuses of the Michael Hillegas chapter for many years. Chapter members contributed children’s books as well as novels, historical books and biographical books.

Chapter Donates Over 200 Books

Michael Hillegas Chapter NSDAR, Honors Students
Michael Hillegas Chapter, NSDAR, is proud to recognize the following Good Citizen Winners: Kendall — Harrisburg High School; Olivia — Galatia High School; and Aryanna — Carrier Mills. Stonefort High School took home the honor of being selected to be DAR Good Citizens.


Galatia High School


Harrisburg High School

American Indian Month
Karen Vinyard and Signe Plumlee with Harrisburg Mayor John McPeek sign a proclamation for Native American Heritage Month.

American Indian Month

Chapter Donations
A basketful of goodies to sponsor a Southeastern Illinois College (SIC ) scholarship and to help with community events.

American Indian Month

Service to Veterans

Veterans Day service at Shawnee Rose Nursing Home in Harrisburg, Illinois.

Honoring Veterans
Honoring Veterans
Honoring Veterans

Food for Veterans in Need
Shelia Albright and Tullyne Oliver, delivered 26 blessing baskets (58 bags), 26 gift cards, and 26 thank you notes, from the daughters of the Illinois State Organization, District VII.

Honoring Veterans

Harrisburg Veterans
Shelia Albright, Michael Hillegas Chapter, NSDAR, met at the Harrisburg Library with Barb and Dona, Hearts and Hands for Veterans. Shelia presented the ladies with many yards of fabric donated by Karen Stiehr, Illinois State Organization DAR Service for Veterans Chairman, in memory of her friend Linda Youndar, who was avid and accomplished quilter. This material will be used to make quilts for veteran’s quilts, chemo bags, clothing protectors, lap blankets plus many more needed items. If anyone is interested in to our veterans or donating cotton material for making these items please contact us.

Harrisburg Veterans

Harrisburg Veteran George Matte
100 year young, veteran George Matte was honored by staff, VA employees, VA volunteers, and family at Effingham, Illinois Aug. 6, 2024. He received a personal letter in a beautiful plaque from Denis McDonough from the Department of Veteran Affairs, a beautiful quilt, a couple staff presents, and a 100 year young card from Michael Hillegas Chapter, NSDAR, with our deepest heartfelt gratitude for his sacrifice and sacrifice and service to this country.

George Matte
George Matte
George Matte

Harrisburg Veterans

Harrisburg Veterans

Signe Plumee spoke and honored veterans at Brookstone in Harrisburg.

Eyeglasses for Veterans

Eyeglasses for Vets

Michael Hillegas, NSDAR, donated eyeglasses to the Veterans Administration.

Memorial Day Rememberance

Fallen Heros

Karen Vinyard put flags our on Veterans graves for Memorial Day.

Blessing Boxes

Fallen Heros

Michael Hillegas Chapter, NSDAR, collected 8 blessing boxes for the VA.

Heroes in Afghanistan

Fallen Heros

Memorial for our 13 fallen Heroes in Afghanistan presented by Sheila Albright and prayer by Chaplain, Cheri McClusky.

June Honor Flight Mail Call

Honor Flight Mail Call

Michael Hillegas Members sent letters for the eighth Honor Flight of Southern Illinois. Dolores Payne, 94 years young, writes her cards to be included with the delivery.

Valentines for Heroes


The Chapter collected over 300 valentines that were delivered to individuals, nursing homes, hospitals, etc This year we collaborated with Illinois Congresswoman Mary Miller to deliver valentines to Veterans throughout Southern Illinois.

Chapter Honors 99 Year Old Veteran


Veteran’s Chapter Chairman Shelia Albright visited Reginald Riegel on his 99th birthday, delivering cards , a patriotic arrangement, and balloons. Mr. Riegel told her that he was planning on being around for his hundredth birthday too.

A Wreath for Every Veteran

Wreath for every Veteran

A Michael Hillegas Chapter, NSDAR, members donated enough to place 30 wreaths at the Mounds City National Cemetery. The Illinois State Regent designated “Wreaths Across American” as her State project, so we also supported her effort while we honored our veterans.

Chapter Honors Vietnam War Veterans

Vietnam Veterans

In November, Shelia Albright, Cheri McClusky, Sharron Tanner, Lucinda Rogers , and Lucinda’s two daughters honored four Vietnam War Veterans. They were the three Duncan brothers: Larry, Russell, and Mike. The fourth was MR. Payne from Ridgway.

Chapter Honors 99 Year Old Veteran

Joe Perina

Sue Perina welcomed home her husband Joe when he returned from the 7th Southern Illinois Honor Flight in September. Joe was in the Air Force during the Vietnam Era.

Recognition of Veteran First Responders
Shelia Albright, Veteran's Chairman, recently presented the American Legion George Hart Post #167, the Saline County Sheriff's Department and the Harrisburg Police Department, and the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department Veteran First Responders with Hershey bars to thank them for their service. The wrappers were printed with "Thank you for your service", "You are the best", "You are my hero", or "A sweet salute”.

Saline County

Saline County Sheriff’s Department and Harrisburg Police Department

American Legion

American Legion

Hamilton County

Hamilton County Sherriff’s Office

Memorial Day — Honoring Verterans at Harrisburg “Little Arlington” Cemetery
Michael Hillegas Chapter, NSDAR daughters gather at the stone marking known American Revolutionary War soldiers buried in Saline County. Daughters laid a Wreath of Remembrance.

Honoring Veterans

Illinois State Organization, NSDAR, Honors Michael Hillegas Daughter
Shelia Albright, Veterans Chairman for the Michael Hillegas Chapter NSDAR recently received the Illinois State Organization NSDAR award for Outstanding DAR Service for Veterans. She received the award based on her body of work. Each year Shelia develops activities to provide services to veterans through a variety of projects. Shelia plans many projects for members that benefit veterans. Members participate in Veteran’s Day and Memorial Day Ceremonies, raise funds for Honor Flights, collects food for the VA Food Pantry, provide warm clothing and hygiene products, etc. When Shelia meets veterans on the street, she thanks them for their service. Shelia has visited veteran’s in their homes, hospitals, and nursing homes. She has thanked and honored Vietnam Era Veterans with certificates and pins. She has recruited members to send veterans birthday cards, Valentines, Memorial Day cards, July 4th cards, Thanksgiving cards, Christmas cards etc. every year. Each year Shelia continues to discover new endeavors to recognize veterans for their sacrifices to keep America free. Shelia is a certified volunteer for the Marion Veteran’s Administration.

Sheila Albright

Shelia Albright, Michael Hillegas Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution proudly wears the new state Outstanding DAR Service for Veterans medal.

Sheila Albright


In preparation of America 250! Celebration, Michael Hillegas Daughters attended a dedication on Veterans Day, November 11, for women who aided the American Revolutionary War.


For 97 years, the Michael Hillegas Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution have carried the torch of patriotism. In that spirit of patriotism the chapter has a memorial stone at this site dedicated to all of the known American Revolutionary War Veterans buried in Saline County.


Signing the proclamation for Constitution week with the Harrisburg IL mayor.

All libraries had a DAR Constitution Week Poster and book display. Harrisburg Library had one by the library and two by the chapter.

Constitution Week
Constitution Week
Constitution Week
Constitution Week

Informative & Fun Meetings

District Meetings

DAR members at District meeting at Cafe Bloom in Benton, Illinois.

District Meetings

November DAR meeting — speaker Gene Schnierle speaking on the history of Michael Hillegas.

13 Folds

The Michael Hillegas Chapter, NSDAR invited local Scout Troop to attend their April meeting and demonstrate the “13 Folds”.

Pictured are Travis DeNeal , Scout Master, and his son, Wilson, demonstrating the folds as his wife Sara (not shown) reads the meaning as they make each fold.

Illinois State Organization   |   National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

Contact the webmaster | This site last updated November 19, 2024
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR.
Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.

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