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Downers Grove Chapter, NSDAR

Downers Grove, Illinois

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Chapter Calendar 2023-2024


Chapter Workshop

October Service to America – Clean Headstones
November Veterans Day Observation
December Chapter Holiday Event
Cards for Vets
January Making the American Home
February Annual DAR Good Citizens Award Tea
March District Director Visit
April DuPage River Sweep – Over 30 Years of Community Action
May Year-end Meetingy

Chapter History

Formation of the Downers Grove Chapter, NSDAR, can be credited to Margaret Drake De Groot who had been called upon by the Illinois State Regent to form a chapter in this area. After countless hours contacting possible members, the Downers Grove Chapter, NSDAR, held its first meeting on the bitterly cold evening of January 22, 1910, with the required 12 charter members in attendance:

Margaret Drake De Groot, Regent
Maude E. Cobb Whiffen
Mary Stuart Burns
Addie Summers Downer
Luella Lyon Roe Lamb
Olive Lamb Drew

Bess Lewis Cook
Bessie Louise Pickens
Carrie Barmore
Florence Clifford
Helen Clifford
Julia Mitchell Allison

The name chosen for the chapter perpetuates the name of our village’s founding settler, Pierce Downer of Vermont, who came to this area in 1832, staking a claim to 160 acres of government prairie timberland.

Addie Summers Downer was a daughter-in-law of Pierce Downer. Later his granddaughter, Helen Downer, joined the chapter.

On February 11, 1996, the Downers Grove Chapter , NSDAR, was pleased to sponsor the Pierce Downer Society of the National Society Children of the American Revolution (N.S.C.A.R. or C.A.R.), which was established with eleven charter members.

Pierce Downer

Pierce Downer

Photo courtesy of Downers Grove Historical Society