Our members live in several counties. Coles County has the
largest population. It has a great combination of agriculture,
industry and education. This area is rich in history.
Abraham Lincoln was a frequent visitor to the Coles County Courthouse
in Charleston. He had many clients in the area and took the
opportunity to visit his family as he traveled through the area.
Charleston was also the site of one of the seven famous debates between
Lincoln and Stephen Douglas.
Mattoon has a rich railroading history and this is where Lincoln got
off the train on his last visit to Coles County as President
elect. During World War II German prisoners of war were taken off
the train for exercise before continuing their journey to camps in the
Shelby County ladies are an important part of the chapter. Shelby
County is predominately agricultural. Shelbyville was part of the
8th Circuit that Lincoln rode and the second courthouse in Shelbyville
was the scene where the famous Lincoln and Anthony Thornton debate took
place. Lincoln spoke for 3 hours and covered a variety of topics.
History and patriotism are important in this area. There are
numerous centennial and sesquicentennial family farms. Fourteen
Revolutionary War patriots are buried in these two counties: Joseph
Frost, John Parker and Isaac Wagner are three of those patriots.
Currently three chapter members are their direct descendants.