Our Patriot Ancestors

Listed below are names, rank of service, and state served for ancestors of the Rock River Chapter NSDAR members. This list includes patriots of the American Revolution and ancestors who contributed to the independence cause through civil or patriotic service. Please contact us for more information.

Rank Legend
Capt Captain
Col Colonel
Cpl Corporal
CS Civil Service
Lt Lieutenant
Pvt Private
PS Patriotic Service
Sgt Sergeant
Sol Solider
Patriot Rank State Served
Steven Babbitt Pvt NJ
Alexander Barnett Pvt SC
John Barron Pvt NC, VA
Stephen Breese Pvt NJ
Abner Chamberlain Lt VT
Moses Colton Pvt MA
Samuel Corser Cpl, PS NH
William Crawford Col VA
Archibald Curry Pvt PA
Michael Dayton Capt CT
James Fagan Pvt VA
Peter Gearhart Pvt PA
Ezekiel Greeley PS NH
James Hart Pvt VA
Josiah Hubbard Pvt CT
John Johnson Pvt VT
Jacob Koser PS PA
Christian Mensch Pvt PA
Isaiah Paschall Sol NC
Philip Proctor Pvt MA
Jabez Rice Pvt MA
Hugh Steere Pvt, PS PA
Nathan Taylor Lt RI
William Wakeman Sgt CT
Ezra Washburn Pvt MA
Hezekiah Wells PS CT
John Williams Lt CT
James Winans Pvt NJ
John Winegar CS MA

2018 VIS Approval

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Last Updated December 21, 2023