Constitution Week Chairman and Chapter Regent flank the Henry mayor who signed a Constitution Week Proclamation.
Members provide Veterans Day recognition via wreaths and flags for area and DAR dignitaries.
Three students received Good Citizens Awards in March 2024 at a reception honoring the students, their families, and school personnel.
High School History/Government teacher and Chief Senachwine DAR Chapter Community Classroom chairman present Constitution Week materials to help educate students about the U.S. Constitution.
A member shows off her nationally-winning Constitution Week poster to be provided to local schools.
Community Service and Historic Preservation
Chapter members gather around the tree honoring the 12 founding members of the Christopher Lobingier NSDAR Chapter in Henry (1910-1968). This project won 2nd place in the NSDAR Historic Preservation Project Contest.
Members clean gravestones of the Lura Frances Davis (William) Law family, recognizing the importance of one of the 12 founding members of the Chief Senachwine Chapter's predecessor chapter in Henry – the Christopher Lobingier Chapter (1910-1968).
Chapter News
In honor of Layfayette, Chief Senachwine chairs display foods from 18th century recipes, including Martha Washington's Lafayette Ginger Cookies.
Program presenter and Revolutionary War reenactor displays clothing and objects from the era including a Brown Bess musket.
Chapter regent awarded the NSDAR Excellence in Historic Preservation Award to chapter member for her 40 years of historic preservation service.
Burial Place Of
Potawatami Indian Chief
“Resistance to the aggression of the whites is useless. War is wicked and must result in our ruin. Therefore, let us submit to our fate, return not evil for evil, as this would offend the Great Spirit, and bring ruin upon us.
- extract from his speech to Black Hawk June 1830 at Indian village