Cindi Horrie, Regent 2017-2019
Regent Cindi Horrie is pictured with Regent elect Denise Scizlowicz and guest speaker Justin Blandford who spoke on “The 100th Year of the Women's Suffrage Movement.”
Peoria Chapter members participated in the Flag Day Ceremony held at Constitution Gardens along the Peoria Riverfront. Thirteen DAR members, representing the thirteen original colonies, read the name of their patriot, and the state in which their patriot served, as the flag representing that state was raised in the circle at Constitution Gardens.
On June 14, 2019, the Peoria Chapter National Society Daughters of the American Revolution joined with the Captain Zeally Moss Chapter Sons of the American Revolution to mark the resting site of Revolutionary War Soldier, Lt. John Dusenberry. The markers are placed along the Peoria Riverfront Sculpture Walk and visible to all who frequent the area. This was the first joint marking of the DAR and SAR in the Peoria area.
On Sunday, May 26, 2019, Regent Cynthia Horrie lead the American’s Creed on Soldier Hill at Springdale Cemetery.
During the Peoria Memorial Association Ceremony at the Gateway Plaza, Mayor Jim Ardis escorts Honorary Chapter Regent, Doris Larke, and Regent Cynthia Horrie to place flowers in memory of Revolutionary War Soldiers.
On April 16, 2019, the Peoria Chapter NSDAR replaced a Tulip Poplar Tree at Constitution Garden in Peoria, Illinois. The original tree and marker was dedicated by Illinois Division 1, Daughters of the American Revolution on September 16, 1999. That tree had since died. The Peoria Chapter obtained another direct descendent Tulip Poplar Tree from the gardens at Mount Vernon for the replanting.
The plaque which sets before the tree reads: “George Washington Tulip Tree. This tree is a direct descendant of the tulip poplar from (Liriodendron Tulipifera) planted under the direction of George Washington in 1785, at his Mount Vernon home.”
Linda Jones, Vice President of the Annie Malone Historical Society, delivered a talk to the chapter on: “Annie Malone and Her Legacy”. Regent Cindi Horrie, is pictured with the historical society’s President Linda Nance and Vice President Linda Jones.
Tea hostesses, Cheryl Hopwood, Carol Fravala, chairman Molly Bishop, Myrna Schwarz, and Susie Pierce prepared a lovely luncheon for the guests.
The guest speaker for Peoria Chapter’s 2019 DAR Good Citizens Awards Program and Tea was Ryan Spain, Illinois State Representative for the 73rd District. Regent Cynthia Horrie is pictured with the chapter’s Good Citizen scholarship winner, Hunter Mettille, and Representative Ryan Spain.
Good Citizen winners from fourteen of the twenty participating area high schools attended the event. ”
In October, Chapter Regent, Cynthia Horrie, and Honorary Regent Karen Frels were part of State Regent Gloria Fathom’s group which toured Bacone College. DAR ladies attended a service at Bacon’s Memorial Chapter where Dr. Thompson, Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs, visited with Regent Cynthia Horrie and Honorary Regent Karen Frels. A celebratory dinner was held in honor of DAR’s visit to the college. During the dinner, the Peoria Chapter was presented with a plaque in appreciation for the scholarships which they provided to Bacone College students. Bacone College students are pictured with Peoria Chapter representatives.
The Bacone College visit included a tour to the Veteran’s Hospital in Muskogee, OK to view the Doughboy Statue which was restored by Oklahoma DAR daughters.”
For the 2018 Day of Service, members of Peoria Chapter NSDAR spent the afternoon at Springdale Cemetery pulling weeds, trimming shrubs, and cleaning up trash. Springdale Cemetery is the oldest and largest chartered cemetery in the state of Illinois. The Peoria Chapter participates in the cemetery’s Memorial and Veterans’ Day program.
Chapter members volunteer their time each year helping Goodwill prepare for the annual Stand Down for Veterans. P.J and Paula prepare lanyards for the veterans, while Debbie, Mary, Sue, and Myrna package pillows. Karen and Alice stuff envelopes with cards made by local grade school children. The envelopes will given to veterans returning home on the honor flight.
Peoria Chapter guest speaker, Leonard Szalits, author of the book “Chesapeake Bay Privateers in the Revolution,” is pictured with Regent Cynthia Horrie.
Regent Cynthia Horrie is pictured with November speakers, Debbie Gaught and Sherwood “Woody” Dees from the Illinois Valley Fuller Center for Housing of Veterans. The November tea committee ladies are pictured with the beautiful table of delicious food they provided for the luncheon.
Regent Cynthia Horrie is pictured with guest speaker, Bartonville Police Chief Brian Fennel, who spoke on “Citizens & Safety Issues”.
Guest speaker and author of the book “Civil War Fathers”, Tim Pletkovich, spoke about the documentaries he recorded from decedents of Civil War soldiers while researching his book.
Kitty Humphrey, guest speaker for the Flag Day luncheon, delivered a talk on “Honoring Our American Flag.”
Regent Cynthia Horrie and First Vice Regent, Denise Scislowicz, host Dorothy Lakota who spoke on her Indian heritage and the time she has spent teaching and mentoring native American students.
Honorary Chapter Regent Karen Frels, Peoria Riverfront CEO, John Morris, and Cheryl Hopwood attend the opening of the museum’s display: “Celebrate Illinois: 200 Years in the Land of Lincoln”. The Peoria Chapter’s Revolutionary War sword was on display, along with the unique stories of the state’s past to present as told through more than 240 historic objects and the narratives of notable Illinoisans. A display case with items depicting Peoria Chapter’s DAR history greeted visitors as they entered the Peoria Riverfront Museum’s main lobby.
In October and December, Peoria Chapter Regent Cindi Horrie presented chapter memebers with Anniversary Certificates which ranged from 10 years to 30 years of service.
On Veterans Day 2017, Peoria Chapter DAR members marched in the Peoria Veterans’ Day Parade and handed out flags. Peoria Chapter Children of the American Revolution gathered to make gift bags filled with homemade cookies and greeting cards thanking the veterans for their service. When the project was completed, the children delivered the gift bags to veterans at the Wayne A. Downing Veterans Home and visited with them.
Packaging day and Stand Down for Veterans
On October 17, 2017, the chapter hosted a luncheon for State Regent Gloria Flathom. Regent Cindi Horrie presented Madam State Regent Gloria Flathom with a check from the Peoria Chapter for her project. Chapter members and Madam State Regent with Abe Lincoln and the Common Man in front of the Peoria Riverfront Museum.
Photography by Christine Aleshire